My name is Riley Pence. I have the following qualities:

  • I Love Computer Hardware, PC gaming, VR, D&D, Woodworking, and Amateur Radio
  • I’m extremely loyal to my family
  • I always do my best
  • I learn quickly

My Mission Statement:

I believe in working hard, doing my best no matter what I am doing, being honest, following rules, being reliable and faithful in my work, and I always look for opportunities to help others even if it is just making their day a little bit better

Last Five Years Before Lambda:

For the last five years I have been a member of First Baptist Church’s Youth Band. We practice regularly and participate in leading worship usually once a month and at special functions. In addition, for the last year I have been a member of First Baptist Church’s Praise Team. We practice once a week and lead worship every Sunday. In order to participate in these bands, I am responsible to practice faithfully and be reliable so that I can be counted upon to be there at each practice and every Sunday. I also volunteer as an IT/Security/Sound man at First Baptist Church. As an IT person I help trouble shoot computer issues, upload sermons, and download material. My responsibilities as a sound man, I set up and operate sound equipment necessary for church services and special events (special speakers, weddings, funerals, concerts, etc…), and adjust sound quality as needed. As security, I am responsible to know and follow various rules and procedures, communicate with other security people, patrol the facility and grounds, and if necessary help handle a situation where people are put at risk. Over the last five years, I have volunteered at the Trinity Performing Arts Center doing various jobs for different plays and shows. I have worked as a sound man, doing lighting, and most recently as a member of the fly crew.